AFCI Romania focuses their ministry on discipling the next generation of church leaders while reaching out to some of the most vulnerable in their society, including Gypsy and homeless communities.
This means working with those who are often overlooked, including children living in landfills and garbage dumps, as well as those in small, poor villages. The AFCI team provides these children a hot meal several times a month in addition to sharing the hope of the Gospel with them. In addition, the team regularly takes mission trips to Moldova and Ukraine to minister to Romanian churches serving the Romanian people living there.

- Evangelism and Discipleship training, including camps and retreats
- Ministry to Gypsy communities
- Trash dump ministry
- Homeless ministry
- Projects in poor villages: kids clubs and home visits
- Prison Ministry
- Mission Teams to Moldova Republic and Ukraine
- Population: 21.3 million
- Capital: Bucharest
- Major Religion: Eastern Orthodox (81.9%)
Donate to the ministry of AFCI in Romania

Summer Camp Returns
Now that Covid-19 restrictions are lifting in Romania, life and ministry are returning to normal.…