We Are ...

Teams of nationals accelerating the spread of the Gospel through local churches worldwide.

First and foremost we are nationals, working in over 20 nations. This means we are born in the nations where we minister and are committed to building long-term ministries in our own homelands.

Second, we are teams of ministers. We believe that team ministry is always much stronger than the ministry of any one individual. In an increasing era of individualism, we are committed to a team approach.

Third, we are committed to accelerate the Gospel in our nations. This is done by understanding the culture as well as the times we live in, working towards the most effective and relevant ways to reach the society at large.

Finally, we are committed to work through local churches. In some nations we are planting churches in cooperation with denominational leaders, in other nations we are walking alongside local churches to train their leaders to reach out more effectively. In all our national ministries, our goal is to strengthen local churches because the local church is central in God’s plan to win the world for Christ.