An 86 year old woman from Guadeloupe proves it’s never too late to turn your life around.

Raymond Johnson, AFCI National Director for Guadeloupe, reaches across the Caribbean with the gospel through radio, television, and outdoor crusades. He and his wife Viella have had a long and fruitful ministry together. Pastor Raymond recently related a story about a woman who had been watching his television show for the past 25 years:

“God is at work, and it’s never too late!

“There is a woman who is 86 years old and has been faithfully following our broadcast on Sunday mornings for the past 25 years! She never wanted to come to church herself, but would instead send her daughter. She told her to ‘keep an eye’ on things and let her know what was happening.“

After attending the services, the daughter was baptized last year but the mother still stayed home to watch the television.

Raymond continued,

“The Gospel kept coming to her every Sunday morning, and this year she decided it was time! She gave her life to Christ and was baptized herself!”

It is never too late to experience for yourself the transformation of the Gospel.

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