From Fear to Life
An effective outreach event that AFCI Poland has been conducting for the past fifteen years is called XtrA-Camp. This year, XtrA-Camp-2021 had a record 62 campers enroll. Many of the campers who attend each year come from non-Christian homes and have never even had an opportunity to hear the Gospel message.
Midweek, during a Bible teaching time, Dorota, one of the camp leaders, noticed a 15-year-old young lady, named Olivia, who looked especially troubled and withdrawn. When Dorota approached Olivia, she found out that Olivia had tried to commit suicide only two weeks before the camp began. Dorota immediately began to engage this distraught young lady in conversation, and soon found her willing to open up and share about many of the fears and apprehensions she was struggling with. Dorota was able to pray and share the Gospel with her, leading her to faith in Christ. Olivia confessed that she had never felt such warmth and love, as she invited Jesus to take control of her life. All-in-all, 28 of the 62 campers responded in faith to the Lordship of Jesus by the end of the week. Even though the camp was plagued with obstacles, like constant failure of the internet, the Lord was able to minister to many lives, by His Spirit.
AFCI Poland are now actively arranging follow-up meetings, so these young believers can be effectively discipled and funneled into the life of local churches. Please pray for the Polish team, that they will continue to produce fruit, as they minister to these young people.
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