The highest rainfall recorded in over 30 years in Pakistan has caused widespread flooding and destruction. Our national team is working in the affected areas to bring urgently needed humanitarian aid. The AFCI Pakistan team writes:

“The rainfall in this monsoon season was 2.87 times higher than during the last 30 years. 116 districts have been affected, more than 1,000 people have been killed, and thousands more have been injured. More than 2 million acres of agricultureal land used for crops and orchards have been destroyed. There have been significant human and livestock casualties. The National Disaster Management Authority reports that 33 million people in Pakistan have been affected. Many have lost everything, and now malaria and other gastric and skin diseases are spreading. People have lost their livelihood and have no means to get food.”

The AFCI team was also affected by the floods as two members losts their own homes.

However, they are actively reaching out to their community:

“We as a team are collaborating with local churches in different villages and cities. Our focus is to show the love of Jesus Christ to everyone impacted by the floods, being “Salt and Light” in the moments of misery and suffering.

“We have an action plan that includes three phases:

  1. Providing food to families who have lost jobs and houses.
  2. Establishing camps for medical care as resources allow.
  3. Repairing and rebuilding homes.

“Please join us in praying for these families to know God’s divine peace and provision, and for the safety of our team as they travel through the flooded regions.”

If you would like to help the AFCI Pakistan team’s humanitarian efforts, please donate to the AFCI Greatest Need and write Pakistan Flood Relief in the comment box.

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