AFC Guadeloupe has an established radio and television ministry that reaches millions of people throughout the region. They also have large-scale outreach events that draw audiences from across the island of Guadeloupe. However, the AFC Guadeloupe team understands how necessary it is to surround all this ministry – and their nation – in prayer.

During the final months of 2020, AFC Guadeloupe, led by National Director Raymond Johnson, held a nation-wide call to prayer. Based on Ezekiel 22:30, the event called people to stand in the gap and pray earnestly for the health of the nation, the corona virus, the first responders, and the economy.

In four locations, a group of soldiers woke at 4:00 AM to go on a prayer walk in their town and intercede for Guadeloupe and the world. This day was set aside for prayer and fasting, and culminated with a 6:00 AM meeting at the church after a night of prayer.

AFCI is dependent on the prayers of people around the world. Please consider becoming a Prayer Partner and commit to praying regularly for the AFCI global staff and their nations.

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